June Gives Money to Her Son

June has recently been assessed as requiring residential aged care. Her son has lived with her for the past seven years to support his mother and is receiving a carer’s pension, so the home is exempted from her assessable assets.

House $500,000 exempt
Cash $100,000
Personal Effects $2,000
Total $602,000
Pension entitlement $27,664 p.a. $1,064 per fortnight
Investments at 4% $4,000 p.a. on $100,000
Total $31,664
Ongoing costs
Basic daily fee $21,527 p.a. $58.98 per day
Daily accommodation contribution $7,894 p.a. $21.63 per day
Living expenses $3,650 p.a. $10.00 per day
Total $33,071
June's cash flow ($1,407)

Although June is eligible to be a low means resident, she is unable to meet her cost of care from her age pension and investments. Note that if June paid a refundable accommodation contribution instead of a daily accommodation contribution her RAC would be $105,853 (20 March 2023) (Lane & Whittaker, 2016).

Let’s look at the impact on June’s cost of care, if before she enters the aged care facility, she gifts $10,000 to her son on the 30th June and a further $10,000 on the 1st July.

House $500,000 exempt
Cash $80,000
Personal effects $2,000
Total $582,000
Pension entitlement $27,664 p.a. $1,064 per fortnight
Investments at 2% $3,200 p.a. on $80,000
Total $30,864
Ongoing costs
Basic daily fee $21,527 p.a. $58.98 per day
Daily accommodation contribution $4,387 p.a. $12.02 per day
Living expenses $3,650 p.a. $10.00 per day
Total $29,564
June's cash flow $1,300

As we can see, June has reduced her assets from $102,000 to $82,000. Her DAC would be recalculated as $12.02 (20 March 2023) per day or a RAC of $58,807 (20 March 2023), saving $3,508 per year in the first year that June pays by DAC. June's cash flow deficit is gone replaced by a modest positive (Lane & Whittaker, 2016).

Lane, R., & Whittaker, N. (2016). Aged Care Who Cares? In R. L. Whittaker, Aged Care Who Cares? (pp. 181 - 182). Noel Whittaker Holdings Pty. Ltd.

Steve Jenkosky trading as Golden Age Advisory is an Authorised Representative of Synchron AFS License No. 243313.
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