Jack and Shirley are full pensioners and have recently been assessed as requiring residential aged care. They want to remain together, and are looking for a facility that can accept both of them.
Tom is an aged pensioner who wishes to keep and rent his home while he lives in residential aged care. His family have received a rental appraisal from a local real estate agent of $500 per week and the estimated costs ...
Judy is a part pensioner who is happy to stay at home and receive a home care package in combination with the support she receives from her family. Judy receives a Level 2 package, which provides $40.65 per day ...
Ruth has recently been assessed as needing residential aged care. As her daughter has been living in the home as her carer for more than five years they house will be an exempt asset for aged care purposes.
June has recently been assessed as requiring residential aged care. Her son has lived with her for the past seven years to support his mother and is receiving a carer’s pension, so the home is exempted from her ...
Elsie is 75 and recently widowed. She needs some assistance with her daily activities and cannot drive. These were things her husband used to assist her with. She owns her own home, worth $400,000, with contents worth ...